Cirugía pediátrica Magazine

Cover 0
Authors: Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica
Summary Vol 38 (1) 0
Authors: Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica
Literature review of pediatric robotic surgery in Spain 1
Authors: M.D. Blanco Verdú, I. Bada Bosch, F. Vatta3, C. Soto Beauregard
Spanish national survey on the use of cryoanalgesia in the treatment of funnel chest in pediatric patients 7
Authors: A. Gómez Sánchez, J.V. Redondo Sedano, E. Arévalo Asensio, M.D. Delgado Muñoz
Outcomes of simple gastroschisis surgical treatment in a highly specialized hospital 13
Authors: E.T. Ávila Hernández, C. Durán Castillo, C.D. Meza Nava, J. Vargas Mancilla, M.I. Montes Rodríguez, A. Patricia González, C. Paque Bautista, G.P. Sosa Bustamante
Analysis of postoperative complications in patients undergoing anorectal malformation surgery: are there any predisposing factors? 19
Authors: A. Hernández Pérez, P. Deltell Collomer, C. Abril Sánchez, A. Encinas Goenechea, J. Gonzálvez Piñera, M. Dore Reyes, I. Martínez Castaño, P. Alcaraz Jiménez,V. Díaz Diaz, M.G. Toro Rodríguez
Thoracoabdominal chordoma in a pediatric patient. A rare entity 24
Authors: F.J. Negrín, C. Beltrán, J. Cortés, J.E. Gómez-Chacón, M.F. Bordallo, A. Marco
Pre- and postnatal botulinum toxin abdominal wall muscle relaxation in hepato-omphalocele 28
Authors: M. Díaz Diñeiro1, I. Narbona Arias2, M. Mieles Cerchar1, A. Siles Hinojosa1, C. Abello-Munárriz3
Endoscopic treatment of a gastrocutaneous fistula in a child 32
Authors: M. Couselo Jerez, E. Valdés Diéguez, V. Ibáñez Pradas